Etikett: painting
Painting Siblings
This is a painting of a friend’s children sitting on a rock in the river. Practicing painting nature and humen. This painting took med 3 months to finish. I had 2 months painting-down period, when I did not paint at all. But maybe I’m back on track again.
Painting Vortex
The vortex is order and bordeline chaos. It looks chaotic but the water flows in a specific pattern towards the middle. The vortex ends in a roaring gap under water. The water flows faster and faster. The empty kayak in the water is dangerously close to the middle of the vortex and is out of […]
Painting Shadow People
Shadow people are shadows. Shadows that you see in the corner of your eye, that you see in the darkness. Or maybe outdoors in the evening when sun sets. They can be scary, but they don’t do anything to you. They just are there. Some people call them ghosts.
Painting Electrifying
This is me when I woke up during ECT. I woke up in the deepest darkness I have ever experienced. My whole body was glowing. But there was nothing my glowing body could cast a light on. It was just dark. My body was floating in the vacuum. I could not feel anything against my […]
Painting Burning
My mind is burning. Too many contradictions going on. My latest painting reflects my current emotions. My head hurts from all the things that appear to be something else. I’ve decided to write about my paintings. Maybe other things too. But the feelings and thoughts behind the painting. Not much thought going on though, mainly […]
New painting
Started on a new painting yesterday, it will take a couple of days to finish it. I like projects that goes on for several days. It’s like a story coming onto the canvas. It expands and becomes whole. I get an embryo of an idea and go from there. My paintings are original straight from […]