Painting ”Anxiety”
I drew the original one in pencil when I has at a psychiatric hospital. I decided to give it a go with acrylics. It came out better than I thought, I don’t think I could have done this one a year ago. Progress, learning new tricks and the curage to not make everything perfect takes […]
Painting ”Dreaming”
Still a painter’s block, but not as bad… Just started with the moon and continued with the rest. Things are coming back. But I still can’t hear the painting talk to me very much.
Painting ”Trust me”
A self portrait. This painting is about showing people what they want to see. Trust me, I’m kind and trustworthy. But noone knows what’s behind the childish doll. What you hide.
Painting ”My Guardian angel”
I can see my guardian angel again. He was gone for a while, but he is back again. Bright energy. I can’t see him with my eyes, but with eyes closed I can feel and see him before me.